Our mission: ALL children are reading at grade level.
Indiana Department of Education Approved Dyslexia Training Vendor
New: IREAD-3 Question Type Integration Guide - Found in 2nd and 3rd Grade Lesson Links

Printable Card Decks
We sell our card decks at the price we pay to have them printed. If you need an entire deck, it is likely less costly if you purchase them from us.
If you need a few replacement cards then the pdfs to support this are here.
Print card decks using two-sided feature on printer.
For printers without two-sided printing:
Step 1. Print even numbered pages in the pdf
Step 2. Flip
Step 3. Print odd numbered pages in the pdf
Kindergarten Basic Deck - 2022.pdf
Kindergarten Basic Deck Index - 2022.pdf
Kindergarten Vowel Consonant Deck - 2022.pdf
D1 - Deck 1 - foundations 2022.pdf
D3 - Deck 3 - exceptions 2022.pdf
D4 - Deck 4 - vowel teams 2022.pdf
D5 - Deck 5 - c+le (consonant + le) 2022.pdf
D6 - Deck 6 - miscellaneous 2022.pdf
D7 - Deck 7 - prefixes & suffixes 2022.pdf
D8 - Deck 8 - tools additional 2022.pdf
D9 - Deck 9 - syllable division 2022.pdf
D10 - Deck 10 - magic e 2022.pdf
Blending Deck Index - 2023.pdf